The Project
The Road Lab (Formally Project Splatter) is a citizen science project investigating wildlife-road interactions. We aim to quantify and map wildlife roadkill across the UK to inform wildlife conservation and research.
Anyone can report observations and we collect data all year round. The Project has been running since 2013 and since then we have received over 103,000 individual roadkill records.
At the end of September 2021, an estimated 39.2 million motor vehicles were licensed for use on the roads in Great Britain (DVLA). In the UK, we currently have a poor understanding of the impact roads have on our wildlife.
We are a team of researchers based at Cardiff University, with collaborators around the world. With help from the public, we collect data on animals killed by motor vehicles on roads in the UK all year round. This data is analysed to determine the impact of roads on UK wildlife and to identify hotspots where mitigation efforts may be needed. We provide regular updates on what we have learned on social media, on our website and in scientific publications in order to keep our reporters updated on how they are helping protect wildlife here in the UK.
You can help us understand where and when wildlife roadkill occurs on roads in the UK by reporting what you see to us. We are interested in birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles and all you have to do is let us know where, when and what species you have seen as roadkill.